A Restriction Orifice Plate is a device used to restrict flow. It reduces flow and pressure from the upstream side to the downstream side. This is beneficial in order to reduce noise and protect downstream equipment. Multi-stage Restriction Orifice Plate assembly are also available. Please contact Titan directly for more information regarding Multi-stage Assembly.
The bore diameter and additional bore requirements should be specified when ordering. Because bore diameter and the following bore options are application specific, consult a Titan engineer for more information.
Below are some of Titan FCI's common bore options:
Although Titan's standard orifice plates are Stainless and Carbon Steel, Titan has a full range of material selections.
Titan offers standard dimensions for its Orifice Plate, as given on the catalog sheet. Please note, however, that Titan's fabricated products are made to each customer's unique specifications. Therefore, dimensions, materials, images, and all other product details referenced in the literature and on this website are general in nature. For exact product specifications, consult the Titan FCI factory and request certified engineering documents.